Such a thing is an impossibility. Stepping out of Bed If today I inadvertently step on a small insect, may it not suffer too much. In this episode of Insights at the Edge, Tami Simon speaks with Hanh about the core of Buddhist practice: discovering liberation through present-moment mindfulness. Columbia, MD Picture a pebble being thrown into a clear river. The Still Water Mindfulness Practice Center nurtures all who wish to practice Mindfulness. Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation Thich Nhat Hanh News & Updates Subscribe to Newsletter Contact Giving. They do not need punishment; they need help. We haven’t relinquished even the smallest of our desires – for friends and relations, for flavorful food and fashionable clothing, for pleasant conversation and pleasurable entertainment, and so on and so forth. We are part of a world-wide network of communities inspired by the teachings and practices of Thich Nhat Hanh. Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. Beginning a Sitting. I have no companion but love, no beginning, no end.”. Thich Nhat Hanh has helped us to to see the depths of de­ pendent origination in a flower. Before starting the car Read on and learn how to. Sweat every day. Topics are posted on Tuesdays for discussion during our Thursday and Friday evening online programs at 7 pm. He is the man Martin Luther King called “An Apostle of peace and nonviolence.”. Ways To Give Your Gifts at Work ... Join the nuns and monks at our global practice centers for regular sitting and walking meditation, live Dharma talks, and … The most recent … If the car goes fast, I go fast. With each step, a gentle wind blows. May we eat in mindfulness so as to be worthy to receive it. as lovely as flowers. The music was interspersed with a reading of “The Story of a River”, a text from Thich Nhat Hanh. Inhale as long as possible; exhale as long as possible. Thich Nhat Hanh is a Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk, teacher, poet, peace activist, and the author of over 100 books and numerous Sounds True learning programs, including The Art of Mindful Living and Living Without Stress or Fear. Waking up this morning, I smile. The more time you devote ‘on the cushion‘, the more mindful you become when you are ‘off the cushion‘. My body is mindfulness itself, … Be mindful of the whole duration. a flower blooms in the garden of my heart. “To meditate does not mean to fight with a problem. All that you are to give up is false identity.”, “We all boast that we are practitioners, but we never really give up on our attachment to the things of this life. I am solid. When you find the mind wander away, simply re-focus it on your breathing again. 11. Sitting in mindfulness, both our bodies and minds can be … When you lift up the whole log, both sides come up at once together. by Thich Nhat Hanh: Coming home to each other… When you love someone, you have to be truly present for him or for her. And most impor­ tantly, in our troubled world he makes no false division between inner awakening and engaged compassion. Takoma Park, MD, © 2020 Still Water Mindfulness Practice Center | Design by HH Graphics, Help Still Water while shopping on Amazon. The most important thing is just do it.”, “A renunciation mind has nothing to do with sacrifice. His key teaching is that, through mindfulness, we can learn to live happily in the present moment—the only way to truly develop peace, both in one’s … It is like a “good news” occasion, when we share our joy and happiness in being together. Guided Meditation With Zen Master Thích Nhất Hạnh - YouTube In the midst of it all he has taught us to breathe, to smile, to live with a free heart. Washing the dishes My body is mindfulness itself, That’s the message they are sending.”, “Expressing yourself in a way direct and simple, without any fancy adjustment, is true communication. Box 11360 The sun of wisdom has now risen, shining in every direction. We offer weekly mindfulness meditation groups, workshops, retreats and special events in Maryland and Washington, DC. May it … Thích Nhất Hạnh spent most of his later life residing in the Plum Village Monastery in southwest France, traveling internationally to give retreats and talks. There was never yet an uninteresting life. Stevensville, MD The car and I are one. Here is one practice recommended by Thich Nhat Hanh, and known informally as the “Not-a-Toothache Meditation: “If we are not aware that we are happy, we are not really happy. Not only does it help prevent the … Peace and joy in each toe – Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh is a global spiritual leader, poet and peace activist, revered around the world for his powerful teachings and bestselling writings on mindfulness and peace. As a children’s author, poet, and the world’s leading expert on leprechauns, she enjoys varied opportunities to water wholesome seeds in society and in herself. A simple guide for meditation, extracted from the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, and Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche: “With a straight spine and a half smile, you breathe slowly and deeply. Sitting here is like sitting under the Bodhi Tree. Carolyn White is a member of the Cedar Society, the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation’s legacy giving program. Your smile proves it. Thích Nhất Hạnh is a Vietnamese Thiền Buddhist monk and peace activist, founder of the Plum Village Tradition. We vow to go through it in mindfulness. The Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation was founded by and is a division of the Plum Village Community of Engaged Buddhism, Inc. (formerly known as the Unified Buddhist Church). “Patience is the mark of true love. It’s very important that we re-learn the art of resting and relaxing. When we talk about renunciation, somehow we get all scared because we think that we have to give up some goodies, something valuable, something important. They have led mindfulness retreats in the United States since 1988 and in 1992 were among the first students to be ordained as meditation teachers by Thich Nhat Hanh. Joseph Emet trained with the Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh at Plum Village, France, and was made a Dharma teacher in Thich Nhat Hanh's tradition.He has a doctorate in music from Boston University and has published A Basket of Plums, a book with two CDs of songs.Emet, the founder of the Mindfulness Meditation Centre in Montreal, lives in Pointe-Claire, Canada. It was the last morning of a retreat with Thích Nhất Hạnh, hidden in the hills above San Diego at Deer Park Monastery. But meditation is not a project; it is a way of being. Gaithersburg, MD Still Water MPC Courage is the fundamental openness, which makes room for all the pain, irony, mystery, and joy that life provides.”, “The things that contribute to life’s comfort, take them when they’re there, but not to require them when they’re absent. Thich Nhat Hanh brings his warmth and clarity to this unique explication of Zen Buddhism. I know where I am going. It is recited daily in Mahayana temples and practice centers throughout the world. Mindfulness in Education, Education workshop, Retreat, Meditation. Takoma Park, MD 20913, Annapolis, MD Google Search: Guided Meditation Scripts. Breathing in, I know I must take care of myself. For hope would be hope for the wrong thing.”, “Say yes to your karma and whatever unfolds. This is a new day. I dwell. Breathing out, I know loving kindness is the only answer. The practice of mindful walking, says Thich Nhat Hanh, is a profound and pleasurable way to deepen our connection with our body and the earth. Principal teachers are Anh-Huong and Thu Nguyen who have been practicing mindfulness in the tradition of the Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh for 30 years. This food is the gift of the whole universe – the earth the sky, and much hard work. entirely free from distraction. 10th – 19th of Thich Nhat Hanh Quotes 10. The format for each is described below: MORNING SIT: Every Tuesday from 9:00 AM through 11:30 AM at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, 75 Beaver Meadow Rd., Norwich, VT. The profane is the sacred. Although the best way to communicate may be just to sit without saying anything.”, “Be still, and wait without hope. Let the mind rest with clarity and without distraction, like a lamp on a windless night. He teaches the process of keeping our consciousness alive to our present experience and reality. P.O. The mind can go in a thousand directions. Inside of the dullest exterior there is a drama, a comedy, and a tragedy.”, “The reality perceived by a fly, with its differently structured eyes and antennae, is totally different from the reality we perceive, but it is equally valid from the fly’s point of view. I vow to live fully in each moment My mind and body dwell It’s … Mindfulness Meditation Heals. Thich Nhat Hanh shows us how to make positive use of the very situations that usually pressure and antagonize us. You are no longer pushed or pulled by anything. You just watch yourself breathing in, breathing out, and nothing else. and to look at all beings with eyes of compassion. When a thought arises, don’t go chase it like a dog every time a stick is thrown; be like a lion – a lion turns to face the one who flings the stick. Let the mind wander to various objects with awareness, like a bird set free from a ship at sea. Please make some time to enjoy the music meditation, the text from the story is offered below. Fundamentally, sitting here and breathing is a very valid thing to do.”. We accept this food to realize the path of understanding and love and joy. In Thich Nhat Hanh’s, book The Miracle of Mindfulness. Biography of Thich Nhat Hanh Thich Nhat Hanh was born in central Vietnam in the mid-1920s and at age 16 became a monk. When my mouth is fragrant with right speech, But when we do not have a toothache, we are still not happy. At times, when we are drinking tea with a friend, we are not aware of the tea or even of our friend sitting there. It takes courage to accept your life fully. my own peace and joy. In the now. It lands directly on the fine sand of the riverbed – the point of perfect rest. Don’t waste the years struggling for things that are unimportant.”, “As I see it, there isn’t so much to do. Now that you have the opportunity to practice dharma, do not waste a single moment on anything else.”, “Wherever you are, whatever you do, be in love. This music meditation was performed for the first time in the “Love is the way” online retreat on 7-9th August 2020. On the occasion of Thich Nhat Hanh’s 94th birthday, Gary Gach remembers walking alongside his beloved teacher. Just this mind.”, “One of the problems meditators experience is that there is a guilty feeling that they ought to be doing something rather than just experiencing what goes on. Heart of the Valley Mindfulness Practice Center has a Morning Sit and an Evening Sit. The goal of meditation is to bring awareness to every moment of life, not just the time of sitting. Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation, 2499 Melru Lane, Escondido, CA, 92026, United States 760-291-1003 ext 104 That said, setting aside time each day to sit is an indispensable part of the process. May they be as beautiful as gems, “There are thousands of channels in our consciousness; it is up to us to choose the channel.” – Thich Nhat Hanh. Sitting here is like sitting under the Bodhi Tree Breathing in, I know that anger makes me ugly. Noble Sangha, diligently bring your mind into meditation. I have arrived. Which is calm and which is insight? Typical Tuesday Morning Practice Schedule: 9:00 to 10:00 Sitting and walking meditation. Listen to The Morning Chant 5:38. The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching: Transforming Suffering into Peace, Joy, and Liberation May my words create mutual understanding and love. is like bathing a baby Buddha. Let go of any goal and simply sit for the sake of sitting. Just to enjoy our tea together is enough. I am home. a half-smile is born upon our lips. He writes in a chapter on how mindfulness meditation reveals our difficult emotions and then gently and slowly heals them. Words can travel thousands of miles. A simple guide for meditation, extracted from the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, and Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche: “With a straight spine and a half smile, you breathe slowly and deeply. These Thich Nhat Hanh Quotes will motivate you. Just be ordinary – put on your robes, eat your food, and pass the time doing nothing.”, “Be a smile, one part of wondrous existence. The same applies to ant, elephant, or dolphin – each of their perceptions is valid. Silver Spring, MD It proves that you are being gentle with yourself, that the sun of awareness is shining in you, that you have control of your situation. Tea meditation is a time to be with the Sangha in a joyful and serene atmosphere. When unpleasant things arise, understand that they shall pass.”, “We are all alike, on the inside. As a result, our minds and the practice go different ways, any positive activities we undertake are not really effective, and we are still stuck in cyclic existence.”, “The way to rest the mind should be neither too intense nor too relaxed. Master Thich Nhat Hanh “Waking up this morning, I smile. May we transform our unskillful states of mind and learn to eat with moderation. When we have a toothache, we know that not having a toothache is a wonderful thing. – Thich Nhat Hanh. May we take only foods that nourish us and prevent illness. Thich Nhat Hanh (Thay) has offered commentary and teachings on this sutra several times. To meditate means to observe. Ashton, MD Deep blissful meditation (guided), Ven. Be mindful of the whole duration. Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all in your way of thinking.”, “Never forget how swiftly this life will be over, like a flash of summer lightning or the wave of a hand. Ahimsa is a non profit organisation geared towards cultural, social development and educational work aimed at creating peace and harmony within oneself, ones' family and in society.. When Nhat Hanh brought his spiritual practices West, he did just the opposite, urging people to use mindfulness and meditation to deepen their own … Twenty four brand new hours are before me. We breathe, take a mindful step, and come back to our true home. in the very here and now. Concentration and calm are one end of the log; investigation and insight are the other end. Best Thich Nhat Hanh Quotes To be beautiful means to Twenty-four brand new hours are before me. In the here, They’re in each other all along. Everyday mind is Buddha’s mind. The more familiar we are with examining our minds, the more easily we recognize that whatever we experience – desire, attachment, aversion, stress, anxiety, or fear – is simply a fabrication of our own minds. If I could not find peace in the midst of difficulty, I would never know real peace.”, “When pleasant things arise, understand that they are empty. But on this beautiful path, I walk in peace. It doesn’t matter whether your practice is good or not. I vow to live fully in each moment and to look at all beings with eyes of compassion.” ― Thich Nhat Hanh But there is nothing that is important, there is nothing that is solidly existing. She has practiced in the Plum Village tradition since 1997. If the car goes slowly, I go slowly. Sandy Spring, MD I vow to speak purely and lovingly. In our practice centers the monastics do physical exercise or sport every day. – I am free. Breathing out, I do not want to be contorted by anger. Regard all sensory impressions as part of meditation, like reflections of the moon on water.”, “An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day. The Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra is the essence of Buddhist teaching. Brushing my teeth and rinsing my mouth, You are yourself, and you have acquired some peace.”, “Meditation is like a single log of wood. No one’s vision is better than anyone else’s.”, “If someone gives you a hard time, it is because they are suffering a hard time within themselves, and the suffering is spilling over. Mindfulness is held uprightly In the ultimate Excerpt. Inhale as long as possible; exhale as long as possible. If you truly love someone, you will be more patient with that person.” – Thich Nhat Hanh… With each step, a flower blooms. To begin with, don’t try to make it long in one sitting; instead, do several short sections throughout the day. Tea Meditation. This cup of tea in my two hands – A ten-year-old boy I know was asked by his father what he wanted for his birthday, and he didn’t know how to answer. The Dharma body is bringing morning light. Simplify your life. Simply let go of everything else. 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