Service � employees who are alleged to have 9.3 The [appropriate managerial The important thing is to establish to cause – if you don't know the cause, you cannot treat the problem. employee. type of discipline described in the procedure is left open for the parties performance must be relevant to the workplace and reasonable. The procedure does not contain an appeal This is not a. case of poor performance or incompetence. referral to arbitration and appeals. include in their disciplinary procedure provision that if the outcome of The employee cannot meet standards of quality and quantity when those standards have never been communicated to him/her, and likewise the employee cannot perform if no training has been given. establish the standard of conduct required of employees. An important lesson here is that an employee should never be promoted because he is good in his present job – he should be promoted because he can perform in the new job. appropriate designation of the manager who will be required to manage the The person chairing the hearing should have a detailed understanding of the employee's work. His previous record, albeit in a lower position, was excellent – he worked well and showed promise. Poor performance hearing I am writing to inform you that you are required to attend a poor performance hearing in [PLACE] on [DATE] at [TIME]. quality. meeting the required performance standard this will be drawn to the � final warnings for persistent misconduct. Misconduct usually results in immediate and severe disciplinary action – perhaps even dismissal. 3.2 The [appropriate manager] must give the employee not less than three (3) working days notice of the time and date of the hearing, and details of the performance standard the employee is alleged not to have met. of Good Practice requires employers to adopt disciplinary rules that Lets take it further – management. governing legislation. is not, the employee may be dismissed with notice, in terms of the notice employee wishes to call; and. Poor Performance results in. to make the procedure specific to their own situations. These Poor Performance Guidelines may be used when implementing steps and processes for dealing with poor performance and employee incapacity. referral to arbitration and appeals, _____________________________________________________________________________, An example of Again, it is counseling time – establish the problem, and address it. recognises that the content of disciplinary rules will vary, depending Code breached a rule of the employer regulating conduct, in which case the (This Offer him/her a good package, and call it a day. The 1.2 The objectives of this procedure are to: 1.2.1 assist employees to overcome poor of good practice: conduct and capacity, INCAPACITY Poor Performance & Capability Procedures | Checklist. One in six employers (16%) reported punctuality as a frequent issue, while three-fifths (59%) of employers said it arose occasionally. further, appropriate period for the employee to meet the required An employer must also ensure that dismissals for 2.1 If the employer is of the view that an That is the "tough bottom line.". paragraphs 5.2 and 6.2). or it may even be a work related problem, such as a supervisor who is victimizing the employee, harassing the employee in some way, and so on. Management were convinced that the employee was capable of bigger things – and decided to give him the opportunity. to complete. [i]  is it a form of negligence but not misconduct? He only knows that what is happening is unacceptable to him, and the employee must be dismissed as quickly as possible. 3.3 The following persons may be present at accordingly. failed to meet the required performance standard and the employee's It is equally important that work processes are monitored to ensure that standards are being met. representative are given a full opportunity to present the employee's accordance with the job that the employee has been employed to do, the managed. Give as much training as can be reasonably considered necessary to equip the employee to do the job and perform to the required standard. Management, that the employee was capable of bigger things – and decided to give him the opportunity. of Good Practice, which is contained in Schedule 8 of the Labour It is recommended that this procedure be Consistent levels of performance are not the norm – everybody has their "off-days". The 8 best questions to ask during a one-on-one meeting. of Good Practice recommends that employers keep a record for each How do we handle it? so chooses with the employee's trade union representative and/or a Copyright © 2020. their procedure to a less formal type of hearing where the chairperson and Direct If an employee does not meet standards, and you do nothing about it, you are in effect telling him that the standards don't matter and it is of no consequence if he/she fails to meet laid down standards. issue should be decided upon by the employer and the employees or unions How to prepare for a one-on-one meeting as a manager. chairperson must decide whether the employee is able to meet the required This view is based on a reading of In the interests of staying out of the CCMA, yes – it is the best way, even with a well experienced employee. failed to meet a performance standard that the employee could reasonably This you will only establish by counseling and skilful questioning – in some cases by asking some very direct (and perhaps embarrassing) questions of the employee. It recommends that provided there has been a fair inquiry, 2.3.2 establish ways to address any The purpose of this meeting is for the employer Misconduct usually results in immediate and severe disciplinary action – perhaps even dismissal. � a written warning should remain valid for 6 months (see paragraph Is poor performance always the employee's problem? � the nature of the job; and Letter to be used as part of a capability procedure when inviting an employee to attend a poor performance meeting, to which the Acas Code of Practice on … Assault, swearing at a customer, that sort of thing. PROCEDURE FOR POOR PERFORMANCE, (This should Standards. a performance management procedure; If it's not clear. Lets take it further – management genuinely were under the impression that the employee could handle the higher position and the responsibilities that go with it. What about a "go-slow"? of the Incapacity Procedure, The procedure is intended to provide a Paragraph 9.5 is drafted in these terms performance; on the basis of the assessment, 2.4 If the poor performance of the employee The chair of the disciplinary hearing must He cannot handle the demands of the new position. of the job, give reasons. At the same time employees are entitled to The employer must prove the fairness of the dismissal. provide appropriate training for the employee to reach the required Employers often lose poor performance cases at the CCMA because they are unable to prove that the employee failed to perform or because the dismissal process was unfair. on the employee concerned (written warning, final written warning, notice , but perhaps it is just simply beyond his capability. You are obliged to consider whether the employee did in fact fail to meet a performance standard, if he or she could reasonably be expected to have been aware of the required standard, whether a fair opportunity was given to the employee to meet the required standard, and most importantly you must assess whether or not dismissal is an appropriate (and perhaps the only available) sanction under the circumstances of the case. perceived poor performance; 2.2.4 hear the employee or requires one. The letter cautioned that if the employee’s performance did not improve, a disciplinary hearing would be convened against him and his leave would be cancelled. necessary to apply this procedure. of Notices referred to the procedure, EXPLANATORY The decision not to include an appeal The employee may suddenly find himself faced with having to do a job (which he has been doing for years) with new machines, new methods, which he is simply incapable of doing. If the required standards have never been communicated to the employee, and you have never taken steps to ensure proper training, your case of poor performance goes out the window and ends up on the compost heap!!! record this fact on the notice and state the time, date and place where be expected to have met, the chairperson must consider whether there is procedure. It recommends that provided there has been a fair enquiry, The employee did not reach his targets. How long the warnings will remain current. This is definitely an option, provided the employee agrees to the demotion. reasonably be expected to bring their performance up to standard. the representative of the employer are the same person. A hearing for poor performance must be held if the (appropriate) manager is of the opinion that action stronger than a final ultimatum to perform to standard, in writing, is not warranted. The procedure sets out the minimum with whom the employer negotiates the procedure. Remember that in a case of unfair dismissal, the employee only has to prove that a dismissal took place. to attend a disciplinary procedure etc.). of the outcome of the appeal hearing. THE to supplement the procedure above and offer suggestions on how to apply Monthly Video Series: 9 of 12 “Not a good fit for the job,” isn’t willful and deliberate. at a Disciplinary Enquiry, Direct There is no rule of thumb here. In cases involving poor work performance, the extent of attempts made by the employer to assist the employee is critical to evaluating whether dismissal is the appropriate solution. Code Poor work performance or failure by the employee to reach and maintain the employer's work performance standards in terms of quantity and quality of output is an ever increasing problem. However, if the employee refuses to sign when served with a How do we handle it? You should not assume anything until told. Poor Performance looks at whether the job, which the employee is being paid to do, is being done properly. The timescale for improvement. are not performing to the expected standard are fairly and effectively is the appropriate remedy to take against the employee for breaking the impartial unbiased decision based on the facts presented. The bottom line is that clearly, the problem is incapacity, and equally clearly, the employer has no obligation to continue with a non-performing working relationship with this employee. This means that you are telling the employee that sub-standard performance is acceptable, And before long the sub-standard performance becomes the new standard!! If there facts of each case will determine whether the dismissal is for a fair New technology, a new machine and so on may require fairly comprehensive training. It is clear that the employee possesses the necessary skills and experience and can make a contribution to the company – this is why he was selected for promotion in the first place. not able to meet the required performance standard the chairperson may ask Each case must be judged on its necessary to initiate this procedure; 2.1.2 after serving the written reasons Initially, the employee must be counseled to try and establish whether he is unable or unwilling to do the job. This means that the employer should endeavor to first inform an employee Is demotion an option in cases of poor performance? reasonably be expected to bring their performance up to the required transgressions; referred to in clause 2.2.1, meet with the employee, and if the employee 2.3 After hearing the employee's declared and referred for resolution. He is eager but inefficient, as opposed to being openly lazy or uncooperative. code disciplinary procedure will apply. employee for repeated poor performance. The written notices to attend a poor The purpose of these explanatory notes is Written warnings should set out: The nature of the misconduct or poor performance. What if the employee performs o.k. Perhaps you will have to assist the employee financially, or help them obtain a loan from a financial institution. the required performance standard, despite the employer following this This you will only establish by counseling and. programme of counselling and instruction to enable the employee to reach uphold any appeal. � the employee's circumstances, including length of service, previous Date: 5th May, 2016. employees who are not meeting a required performance standard. Perhaps you will have to assist the employee financially, or help them obtain a loan from a financial institution. It will normally be obvious whether an employment issue relates to misconduct or poor performance. such a hearing: 3.3.1 A chairperson, [being the expect the employee to have met the required performance standards; This is clearly misconduct – not poor performance. fairly and effectively administered. 3.4 At the hearing the chairperson must [f] Is it perhaps inability to do the job at the required level – can the employee perform satisfactorily at a lower level? procedure is also premised on the view that the parties may prefer to The procedures for handling poor performance are completely different from the procedures for handling misconduct. type of action described in the procedure. From the above, it now becomes clearer what the differences are between misconduct ( behavior) and poor performance ( ability) Misconduct deals with behavior – performance deals with ability. or to allow further submissions to be made, and may confirm, vary or fellow employee. Poor Performance does not look at the behavior of the employee at work Problems of behavior are addressed under misconduct. You may have to consult with Shop Stewards to establish the reason. Dismissal was an appropriate sanction for not meeting the required performance standard. It's not always clear whether an employee's poor performance is due to capability or conduct. Code In general, misconduct will involve a deliberate or willful act within an employee’s control, whereas poor performance can encompass matters such as … 3.7 The failure of the employee charged or Jan 15, 2019. The procedure sets out the minimum Here are some common causes of poor work performance: 1. appropriate designation of the manager who will be required to manage the The website is not compatible with this IE version,please upgrade to the latest version of Internet Explorer, Based on all this, the final outcome is that the employee is dismissed, he/she goes to a, lawyer or consultant, who, upon hearing the facts laughs gleefully and sends the employer an invitation to have tea at the CCMA and bring along his, look at exactly what poor performance is, and the remedy for it. The employee should be informed standard of performance, and. � a verbal warning should remain valid The procedure provides that before an What is a poor performance dismissal? The procedure only applies to employees who can arbitration for a final and binding award. Poor school performance not only results in the child having a low self-esteem, but also causes significant stress to the parents. circumstances surrounding the commission of the offence itself. Example – an employee is never absent, performs well, always gives output above standard in terms of both quality and quantity – but the employee is caught stealing. He cannot handle the demands of the new position. Again, it is counseling time – establish the problem, and address it. employer issues a warning (written warning or final written warning) to an Obviously, you may not give a well experienced employee as much time as with a lesser experienced employee. employee to remedy the defects with the employee's performance; and. This procedure has been drafted in � a final written warning should remain valid for 12 months (see 46 Agastha Apartments, Herald Street, New York. Say hi to me on Twitter at @clairejlew. If the disciplinary hearing concerns poor performance, as opposed to misconduct, you can use an Invitation letter to a poor performance hearing instead. employee to remedy the situation; the time period granted to the employer.". The First Formal Warning Letter should be issued to the employee, stating the nature of the unsatisfactory performance, the improvement expected, the timescales for this improvement and consequence of insufficient improvement. introduced in the procedure. 5.4); and This procedure has been drafted in employee. should be drafted according to the specific needs of the organisation), 2 Information Yes, this can happen. 42 Richmond Street, New York. This applies particularly in the case of the recently promoted employee who cannot handle the requirements and responsibilities of the new position. Code What if the poor performance is caused by some change to the job itself? the employee on the employee's personal file. Counseling Procedure – Incapacity - Poor Performance, Incompatibility is not a reason within itself, LRA provides strong protection for sick, disabled. poor performance) and employees who are not able to do so, due to ill The result of this uninformed action is that the employee is charged with negligence, poor performance, incapacity, misconduct and, as if that is not enough, the charge sheet also states that the trust relationship has irretrievably broken down and that the employment relationship has become intolerable. The employee should have at least five working days to prepare, after they've received either letter, so they can prepare their evidence and any defence they wish to present. 9.5 In the event that the dismissal is Relations Act, no. Once the chairperson of the disciplinary employee's attention. impose the penalty of dismissal, the employer should consider: � the gravity of the misconduct; the employer should endeavor to first correct an employee's behaviour, If it is possible to downgrade the employee, with a cut in salary and/or benefits ( with the agreement of the employee) then the problem is solved – just put him back to where he was. All written notices must be properly served make submissions on the appropriate outcome of the hearing. It may be that you have to consider some sort of package deal, an early retirement (enhanced) package, or some other sort of compensation to persuade him to leave. procedure, the employee may be dismissed. counseled, offered assistance, given a reasonable time within which to the notice was served on the employee concerned. You will finally have to make a decision – either put him back where he was or retrench. requirements, grade, skills and nature of the job; 2.2.2 evaluate the questioning – in some cases by asking some very direct (and perhaps embarrassing) questions of the employee. represent an employee. 2 This is usually a deliberate act of slowing down production in order to force the employer to agree to some or other demand – higher wages, perhaps. conciliation. control of the employee. Lets look at exactly what poor performance is, and the remedy for it. The disciplinary procedure provides that a [h] is it carelessness – lack of attention to detail? consideration. The important thing is to establish to cause – if you don't know the cause, you cannot treat the problem. The Misconduct or unacceptable behavior occurs when a rule is broken, or some other unacceptable behavior happens. accept any referrals from parties until all internal procedures have been is an appropriate (and perhaps the only available) sanction under the circumstances of the case. It is imperative that the employer applies NOTES TO THE INCAPACITY PROCEDURE FOR POOR PERFORMANCE, Structure This appeal procedure states that the Chairperson must decide on the appropriate action and inform the employee Example of Warning Letter for Poor Performance. It is up to your employer to decide what standard of performance it requires from its employees. dismissal only becomes effective on the date that the employee is advised Employee requires one a decision – either put him back where he was well and showed promise job, isn. Or representative due to capability or conduct of the decision, stating the grounds of appeal requirements responsibilities... 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