Being a chef means a lot of hours at work and working on your feet. It's a job you need to love doing so you can enjoy it in the long term. I've got a lot of respect for a few people I know who do that. This is what I have noticed: 1. Being an undergrad who is pursuing the career, I get the opportunity to listen to multiple actuaries at our weekly club meetings. However, they are rare and there is a lot of competition for those jobs. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. If you can hop in a dish pit and not lose your determination to cook then you're golden. It has its good days, but it's exhausting and relatively unfulfilling. This year was especially difficult due … 11 Reasons Why Being a CEO Is So Challenging Get ready to wear many different hats. But, if you love cooking, try it. With that said, being a chef is also undeniably bad-ass. working 60+ hours a week for slightly above minimum wage is the norm, for years. I'd definitely rather private chef than restaurant chef, though. 3. as a forensics expert missing to capture a crucial piece of evidence. Like others have said, try a stage if you can get one. Hell, most jobs aren't even good. In order to have the energy to better resist the effects of stress, you need to commit to a healthy lifestyle. Stress, A Chef’s Perspective. Oftentimes you have a sous chef or a CdC/executive chef barking at you, pushing you, teaching you, correcting you, double and triple-checking you because you fucked up those cuts last week and you haven't earned back his trust yet. The way you described it sums it up perfectly and it reflects why I miss the life at times. The 11 things that stress out chefs the most. however, think carefully before doing something like enrolling in a culinary school, without the rose colored glasses. Good luck. It’s official. Fine cuisine? While most employers would want their pastry chefs to have a degree or certificate, many types of chef training are suitable. Published on 9/30/2014 at 10:48 AM. but the pay is meh(unless you own the place or get in with a pretty swanky place). It's a job you need to love doing so you can enjoy it in the long term. 4. It is very unlikely that you'll get any private cheffing gigs at all straight out of school. Mad Chef 2013 Restaurant owners that have little or no experience in a professional kitchen, yet insist on making unreasonable demands. What are pros and con's of it? Most are marked by tension, anger, stress and anxiety. What I hate about being a chef is scraping my forearm with a 18X2000 film cutter. hours are long and hard, but also depends on what meals are served. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. First let us enlist the qualities you need to become a chef The trick to finding your ideal career is to find something where the few and rare rewards are more important to you than the frequent and unending stream of crap you have to deal with. Thanks Hi, I'm thinking about going into culinary at the tech school close to where I live. I encourage my lead line cooks every day to challenge the ideas of creativity. I know, I know: Just what all need in 2019, another reason to be stressed out about our stress … I'm good with that. Being a chef means a lot of hours at work and working on your feet. If you don't love the job, you're not going to have much fun doing it for a long time. If that lifestyle/career path is still lucrative to you after banging away in the dish pit for a while, then keep at it. This might not seem like an important thing right now, but it's a useful piece of information to have during a shift. But the stress of a chef … I know that my husband’s restaurant/restaurant group is on his mind a lot. You'd certainly have more free time and you do a couple gigs a day and have a lot more time to spend with your family. IMO if your going into this already having doubts about it being worth it then you probably wont stick with it, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the KitchenConfidential community, Continue browsing in r/KitchenConfidential. I could have walked in and started as a cook? Also ask yourself what's your cooking goal. As a chef, you can use the power of food to get people to enjoy healthy eating, explore different cultures, or even just smile. Having said that, that's like crafting sculptures at home - you might enjoy it, but at work it's a manufacturing plant, except we wear chef whites instead of hard hats. A chef assists in training new staff , oversees cooking processes, develops menus, and provides input in marketing decisions that affect the restaurant. In one survey, more than half said they took painkillers or drink to get through shifts. According to a recent article in the Huffington Post levels of stress in the workplace are reportedly 18% – 24% higher now than they were 30 years ago. bSci21 Contributing Writer. Being a cook is extremely hard work - long hours on your feet, usually sweating, usually hustling the whole time, burns, cuts, high stress and high volume. This means no dinner at home with your wife and kids, no … He goes to bed thinking about it and wakes up thinking about. Frequently. As for being a chef, I would say its a labor of love and requires quite a bit of masochism. Once you get there, the pay is good, but the hours aren't always -be prepared to spend every holiday cooking for someone else's party. Why? Edit: to expand on that answer: being a chef is a labor of love. Continue Reading. It depends on what your definition of stressful is. With that being said, only a foolish chef would stifle a cooks thoughts. There is a handful of chefs out there who decided to take this culinary career path and discovered being a chef wasn't for them. Yes, being a bank teller can be stressful. Have you considered that? Hello chefs of reddit, I'm tired with being abused in the kitchen, I just want some advice Hello reddit, I'm a sous chef at a hotel, we seat 30 in the resturant plus are a 44 bedroom hotel. Erica Dunham Try it. Typical Pay: $14.10/hour, median of 40 hours per week. Right now I'm a food stylist. It’s official. Pick 2 of 3, if you're at the top of the game. Breaking down boxes of squash or crates of … As a planet full of workers, we are getting increasingly stressed out. . Food stylists for major clients can make thousands for a single day's shoot. Breadcrumb Trail Links. It is a lot of work, and it's hard work. It’s a normal part of life (unfortunately). ... "Being an Executive Chef is less about cooking and more about organization." home cooking and professional cookery are completely different... skills don't translate so be aware that, regardless of what you do at home, you're starting from nothing when you step into a commercial kitchen. "Seriously, I've seen chefs with everything from the flu right through to diarrhoea cooking away, serving hundreds of … Home to the largest community of restaurant and kitchen workers on the internet. Restaurants can be intense because of the scale. Let’s cut right to the chase — the stress of being a professional cook, especially a Chef, is something that people rarely learn about before they enter the profession. Restaurants can be intense because of the scale. I'm sure others can tack on here and add other reasons why starting in the pit will benefit you. You'll always be "the help" and you'll never get to be "the host" again. It's just not done. By David Blend. I would say it can be a pretty stressful job, we are responsible for rendering a patient unconscious, taking away their ability to breath for themselves, making sure they are safely positioned before and during and after the surgery, maintain their hemodynamics, and wake them up comfortably at the end. Working hard feels good, and nothing that's worth it is ever easy. Who's going to hire a personal chef with no experience? Being a cook is extremely hard work - long hours on your feet, usually sweating, usually hustling the whole time, burns, cuts, high stress and high volume. Only do it of nothing else in the world will make you happy. But for highly sensitive people, who process stimulation deeply and feel emotions strongly, stress is intense.Little things that don’t bother other people — like bright lights or loud noises — have the power to completely overwhelm them. Let us make a list of pros and cons of what being a chef is all about. it can be an incredibly rewarding and satisfying profession. for the record, you're the cook of your family. And I know he’s not alone, from what many of you have told me. start a nice savings, retire at 65 and enjoy cooking for the remainder of your healthy, sane, well adjusted life. Yes the physical hard work of being a chef is stressful but. Cooking for a client is just as much work as cooking in a restaurant. Under the … I'm thinking of becoming a cook/chef after I graduate but I've heard it's really stressful/fast paced and watching shows like top chef just make it seem worse. Maybe you'll find out that kitchen life is totally awesome and 100% what you want. Commission-based sales jobs can be extremely stressful, particularly in a downturned economy. There are a lot of factors at play, and there is a significant amount of risk when dealing with large sums of cash. Every year more than 20,000 people apply to work for the FBI and the FBI only hires about 1500 agents per year. Your face and name are associated with each and every dish that leaves that kitchen, whether you are there or not. Educational requirements vary for this position, with some chefs having two-year community college or vocational degrees. In most establishments dinner is the main meal of the day, and your service might end at any time from 10:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. You learn how much of everything the kitchen has. ‘tis the season, after all. It is not a job you want to try to retire on. Sous Chef. You're young, you've got plenty of time to figure it out. A teller must follow procedures very carefully. Just part of the picture of stress but to give you an idea, no matter how good you are, as a pentester, testing the security of a customer, not being able to find a weakness and capturing the flag. Despite the challenges, hiring the right chef is a vital part of your business's ability to succeed. 2. as an analyst, looking for malware and not finding any. Ladles, serving spoons, sauté pans, plates, etc. Anyhow, cooking itself is rewarding work. That's not how the world works. You still won't have spent time on the line (unless you're lucky), but you'll have an idea. That alone will answer all of your questions. If food is your passion, if you love cooking and aspire to become a chef, stop, take a deep breath and think hard ‘what being a chef means!’ The life of a chef is certainly not a bed of roses. Or find a job as a dishwasher somewhere. A chef assists in training new staff , oversees cooking processes, develops menus, and provides input in marketing decisions that affect the restaurant. Yay! The only real way to make money off cooking is to open your own restaurant. I couldn't help but read it in his voice...even the "Yay!". If it doesn't, no big deal: you still earned a bit of money and learned something. A pastry chef works in a bakery or restaurant and prepares artfully crafted baked goods. If you wanna make anything over 100k a year you're probably barking up the wrong tree though. Chances are that the answer is big fat no. We really do love chef Paul Sorgule’s insights into the psychology of kitchen work and being a chef or cook over on his Harvest America Ventures blog, drawn from over four decades of experience in professional kitchens.. Unless you become big and famous, and can make real money off of it that way, or luck into a management, or corporate position that pays a lot, then cooking is going to be a labor of love. In one survey, more than half said they took painkillers or drink to get through shifts. Just find a nice restaurant with good management. Honestly, go to your nearest kitchen and ask to do a stage - tell them you're curious about it, but from what you've heard you're unsure as to whether it's for you. Take advantage of it. If you want something you have to be willing to work as hard as it takes to make it happen. Chef Fat Lady Working a year and a half without a vacation. I enjoy it for the most part. In addition to shedding, hair loss from stress may also happen primarily around your temples. This ties in with being organized, but if/when you get promoted out of the pit you'll know where the tools and equipment you need are. And it can be stressful. The stress is gone. Your other sous is great, works hard, but has a coke problem. Low Stress: 24 percent . Published on 9/30/2014 at 10:48 AM. The money isn't great (for the most part). The dish pit is the PERFECT place to build and refine that. TOP. The most stressful jobs in the U.S. 01:29 Job stress is something just about every employee can relate to, but not all jobs are created equal when it … Jesse Schenker, chef-owner of Recette and the Gander in New York City, says "the coolest part of being a chef is the rush of being … If it does, great, good luck! There are different hazard of being a chef that affects their work performances in the service industry, some are the stress or personal problems, pace of the kitchen and demands of their customers. It's a good career if You're down to make $14/hr for a few years. Being a chef can make it difficult to enjoy a normal life outside of the kitchen. Being a chef, like being an elite athlete, tends to be a young person’s game, with crazy hours and injury-inducing physical strain. A strong work ethic is the best foundation for success. I am a 25 year old chef thats been in the game for 10 years, I would say i know the crack. Advantages & Disadvantages of an Executive Chef. the first few years of cooking involve a lot of manual labor, deep knee bends, long hours, shit money, and mental frustration. Restaurant owners (who don't cook) are the scum of the earth. TOP. Brother-in-law is air traffic controller. No one's gonna hand it to you. The nature of the profession requires most of their work to be completed during tax season. If they are anything like myself, as a line cook they will challenge their chef daily with new … There's a lot more to it than that. This is a major part of the package that you sell, but on its own it will be incomplete. It is a job that is grueling and stressful, but also fun, creative, and rewarding—at the end of the day, you are feeding people and making them happy. Everyone is in the same boat, so everyone tends to work together to have fun and succeed. There are a lot of factors at play, and there is a significant amount of risk when dealing with large sums of cash. I'd much rather have a hard worker under my wing than a lazy kid with talent (and the associated bad attitude, that "I have talent so I don't have to work as hard" bullshit). It weeds out (some of) the ones that can't hack it. Thanks, appreciate the honest answer - that's what I needed to hear. Won't lie, the money sucks unless you're in a good kitchen in a place other than the states. So if you have the patience and marketing skills, then you get in at top restaurants, apprentice for awhile, then continue cooking at top restaurants, make it to sous-chef, CdC or Exec, and after a few years of that (you'll likely be around 30 years old at this point, and looking to get married, settle down, or at least start making money like all your friends who didn't become cooks) you try to find investors, or scrounge up some money for a smaller business. Especially if you are talking about a career change. Instead of dealing with call-outs. Always working on holidays. The people who apply are all very competitive, so statistically, it is difficult to become an agent. "The thing about being a chef is that's pretty hard for somebody to just step in and take your place, especially if you're a head chef," says Niall Harbison, a former chef. Then you become the top dog, the head chef. -- Usman Majeed, Founder @TechTwurl and @Protection. The 11 things that stress out chefs the most. Several studies have found that lawyers have a higher rate of depression, stress, and substance abuse (including alcohol) than the general population. A head chef will often spend this time reviewing the next day's menu and placing beverage and produce orders before finishing for the night. T here’s a reason your chest tightens, your hands shake and your thoughts race as you plan an event. Good pay, good family life, cooking great food. I would say it can be a pretty stressful job, we are responsible for rendering a patient unconscious, taking away their ability to breath for themselves, making sure they are safely positioned before and during and after the surgery, maintain their hemodynamics, and wake them up comfortably at the end. 9. I love cooking for a living, but it's tough both mentally and physically. If you want to cook - and enjoy it - that's step one. 11 Reasons Why Being a CEO Is So Challenging Get ready to wear many different hats. It takes AT LEAST two years of grinding it out as a line cook (and most clients prefer a culinary degree on top of the experience), and even then, you'll have to assist a private chef before you strike out on your own. For example, the executive chef at Disney World earns $200,000 + per year. You do it if you cannot imagine doing anything else with your life, if it's the absolute only thing that will fulfill you, if it's your one true passion. Be Thomas Keller. Not everyone's cut out for it. January-April is stressful. Damn, I'm getting stressed just thinking about how stressed I can get. Is being a chef bad for your mental health? I'm happy with it. Being a chef may be the toughest job you’ll ever love. I just want to know if cooking is a stressful job and what kind of opportunities there are once you have 5+ years under your belt. By Dan Sundberg, PhD. CRICOS 02380M / RTO 4959. If you can keep the dish pit organized and under control at all times, that lets the chefs know you have the right mind for being able to work on the line. Instead of scheduling, dealing with HR bullshit, dealing with dumb cooks who can't remember to clock in/out at the right times, who can't keep their knives sharp enough, who, despite being told and shown a dozen times, still can't make the sauce correctly and while they probably should be let go, they've got a good heart and you're short staffed as it is. In most establishments dinner is the main meal of the day, and your service might end at any time from 10:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. That's why being a chef is often compared to the military. 4. However, you will always be employed and in demand, but at the same time, always replaceable. It's not fun, it's not easy, it doesn't pay well and the hours suck. There's no point in choosing to work in the restaurant industry if you're not willing to work hard. But.. You'll be a cook, learning and working up from the bottom. An executive chef, sometimes called a head cook, is in charge of food preparation at a restaurant. Downvote 1. And yet, there are too many of us crazies out there that seem to like it just enough to keep dealing with it. 4. Just don't. Memorial Day really got me stressed out while being in Back Cash but working on Labor Day I was able to handle the stress up front and did the best of my ability of not letting the pressure get to me ... the customers didint stress me it was the managers that did. Plus I don't want to be cooking after I get home. Breaking down boxes of squash or crates of … I still love to cook after 5 years in the kitchen, but I also don't plan on doing this till retiring. We get headaches, neck pain and addictions to caffeine and alcohol just to cope with it. I understand that cooking is shitty, but as long as I can find a good enough place where I can cook good food and have a good family life, I'll be happy. You Want To Fill a Hole In the Culinary Market. Same rule for cooking as for acting. Some chefs have a gift, or a greater level of achievement in this regard, however, simply being a masterful cook does not automatically equate to restaurant success. The attitude of service excellence can never be ignored. It's a time in your life when you can and should make mistakes and try stuff out because you've got the energy and the time to do something else if it doesn't work out. The types of clients who have the money to hire private chefs want someone who is pedigreed. You're in an actionable position. That's what being a teenager is for. Many people seek out chef training because they want to help make more food options available to under-served populations. Sure is. They want to tell their party-goes their chef was trained under Thomas Keller. You work incredibly long hours, deal with insane amount of stress, have no weekends or holidays, and the pay is generally not that great. This article can help you decide. Being a chef may be the toughest job you’ll ever love. These issues range from problems caused by the job itself – such as back pain and arthritis – to problems caused by the unavoidable lifestyle that comes with being a chef. There are different ways you can become a pastry chef. I have experienced many of the scenarios above (i'm only a sous) and I honestly think every week is my last week, but then you get that one "ah-ha" moment when a cook does something you taught them or a customer praises the food that night you were managing the line, or your boss lets you go a little early because you've been working so hard and the line can wrap up service without you or brings you an expensive glass of wine. That's a terrible attitude to have, this "I'm owed something" bullshit. Being a chef can make it difficult to enjoy a normal life outside of the kitchen. Relax already, because we’ve got some great tips on how to take the pressure down. The pay sucks. Instead of covering people's (sometimes peoples') stations, while also trying to manage the line, check for quality and consistency, taking in food deliveries, correcting issues with FOH, listening to your porter give you dumb excuses about why he forgot to refill the soap in the washing machine so all your dishes have been washing without soap for the past 2 hours. Your bartender drinks too much, but he knows all the patrons, so you can't get rid of him, plus he's got two kids to take care of. Event Management is the 5th most stressful job.Ever. Hiring a chef is one of the largest challenges for a restaurateur. A lot of people get frustrated that they can't just jump into cooking and quit. A disorganized pit leads to disaster during a busy shift. You thought you worked long hours as a cook? It's creative and engaging. In most jobs you need positive feedback, a winning record or recognition of overcoming an established goal to keep your head in the game. There are some good paying chef jobs out there. Is being a professional chef a good career? Please be brutally honest! Yes, being a bank teller can be stressful. Chefs at every level of the industry face injuries and health problems due to the nature of their work. Good pay and cook great food? Make yourself someone that will buckle down and get shit done. And was thinking that may be an interesting route without the full pressure of a restaurant volume for an aspiring chef like myself. Everyone's "good job" is different, and it depends on your interests and desires. Your pay isn't just based on your performance; it's also based on the customer's ability to buy what you're selling. Jesse Schenker, chef-owner of Recette and the Gander in New York City, says "the coolest part of being a chef is the rush of being … Chef stress is way beyond. Every job, every family, every home and everyBODY is stressed to the max. Cooking for a client is just as much work as cooking in a restaurant. Christmas and New Years? Insight; Food; Shift work, low pay, high pressure: Kitchen culture to blame for mental illness, addiction. Is it … Doesn't mean I won't bitch about it. Talent alone will only get you so far. chef is a title reserved for management. I learned how many we have by running the pit for a year. Your sous chef is too busy flirting with the FOH manager to notice the chicken on table 23 almost went out undercooked. They expect you to run their business, do all their marketing, cook 3 Michelin star food all with an understaffed and underpaid kitchen while they're vacationing in Tuscany. Make yourself a hard worker. ... "Being an Executive Chef is less about cooking and more about organization." If not, get out while you can. Relax already, because we’ve got some great tips on how to take the pressure down. If you want to cook, then get a job in a kitchen. I've wanted to get into advertising but now I'm stuck working in a kitchen with it being my only experience supporting my family with just enough money to get by. Yes and no. A teller must follow procedures very carefully. You're going to destroy your body, you're going to mess up your social life, you're not going to make the best money, but if you love what you do, you won't care. it can be a lot of fun, I suggest working somewhere(non chains are better imo), work your way up and see how you like it, but a tip from my friends that are mechanics that never work on their project cars - don't do your hobby for your job because it won't be fun anymore. Example 9: “I had a client once who was upset about a billing issue, and I was being talked to in a really negative way. I made it up to sous before deciding to switch careers. 4. Hard workers are invaluable in kitchens. The pay is much better, closer to $35 per hour, and I work Mon-Fri 9-5. I've read through all of your posts and it seems like a tough racket, I really wonder why doing freelance chef work wouldn't be a more enjoyable, and viable option. etc. Is it worth it? There is a handful of chefs out there who decided to take this culinary career path and discovered being a chef wasn't for them. Being a chef, like being an elite athlete, tends to be a young person’s game, with crazy hours and injury-inducing physical strain. The 8 most stressful jobs in tech Everyone's job can be stressful at times, but some jobs are more stressful than others. You don't have to KNOW what you want for the rest of your life right now. if you feel compelled to change careers, try something that can actually support your lifestyle, and leaves you time to spend with your loved ones. How to Become a Pastry Chef. I just want to know if cooking is a stressful job and what kind of opportunities there are once you have 5+ years under your belt. Its actually not too bad on your body (look at how many chefs still have a jump in their step even through their 60's). Thanks How could you possibly know that this is what you want to devote your life to? I'm thinking of making a career change and I've always enjoyed cooking, I'm the chef of the family. It's not a lazy man's job. If we didn’t have a certain amount of stress in the kitchen then there would be a certain apathy in a kitchen that just wouldn’t work with the dynamic. . You'll know how much the pit sucks, and you'll appreciate the dishwasher. You mean I didn't have to bus tables​? The job is consuming. See how it goes. So yeah, it's a lot of hard work, but there's really no feeling like the feeling you get after you wrap up a long shift of hard work. One of your oven's is broken, kitchen repair company can't seem to fix it when they show up at 5:30pm just as service is starting, even though they promised they'd come in the morning. 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Or crates of … with that being said, try a stage if you go for it this... Chef thats been in the long run, and there is a vital part of your family and.! Year you 're in a kitchen $ 14.10/hour, median of 40 hours week. Get ready to wear many different hats vocational degrees and relatively unfulfilling the line I pay attention to many... Ever love Disney world earns $ 200,000 + per year the largest for. Get headaches, neck pain and addictions to caffeine and alcohol just how stressful is being a chef reddit with. The long run is chronic stress ’ game this is a vital part of life ( unfortunately ) the how stressful is being a chef reddit. Goes to bed thinking about get frustrated that they ca n't hack it to it than that to figure out. ( who do that through shifts plates, etc closer to $ 35 per hour and... Finding any thinking of making a career change close to where I live answer - that a. Have fun and succeed in his voice... even the `` Yay! `` still pretty terrible tends work... Humanity keep you going and make it all seem worth it under Thomas Keller Lady working a you! By tension, anger, stress how stressful is being a chef reddit anxiety always wish you had ready wear...

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