Other bonus actions are denied, while an effective additional action is granted. Mainly because then, with a bonus, you can stack advantage and flanking, and it hurts bounded accuracy, so it’s just a matter of preference. Reach weapons, like the glaive, are a fun melee weapon type for DnD. I always enforced it and so did every DM I ever played with. If a party member makes a passive check I tell that party member what they learned. When in doubt about whether two creatures flank an enemy on a grid, trace an imaginary line between the centers of the creatures’ spaces. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! These heavy, two-handed weapons are perfect if you want to be close to your enemies, but not too close. I especially like your advice on how strategic enemies will deal with flanking – closing ranks is the sort of tactic that I imagine can both really build the theme of an enemy (it tells you that the exiled drow have some high-class military training that the troglodyte brutes don’t quite grasp) as well as give combats variety. There is no explanation of flanking in 5E that’s not defined in terms of the grid, and therefore no way to use it with TotM unless you’re making it up as a house rule from top to bottom. Without this rule if you have 3 fighters and they all want advantage the only way to do this is some form of congo line where the first two sandwich someone between them and the last sandwiches someone between one of them. Mod also makes reach weapons work closer to how they should in pnp: Unit with reach weapon is not threatening enemies in range equal to half its maximum range. It’s so unbelievably powerful that the game designers gave Kobold PC’s a +2/-2 instead of the standard +2/+1. This, however, seems like gaining advantage on attacks is a no brainer, and every fight will just devolve into a mosh-pit of advantage for attacks. Drawing a weapon so that you can use it in combat, or putting it away so that you have a free hand, requires a move action. Is there a monster you’d like me to analyze that I haven’t looked at yet? If advantage is too much then, I don’t think giving +2 is that much more out of line with how other things in the game work, not that much less streamlined. Therefore I design my encounters accordingly. So the new Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition has minimized the combat system and veered away from advanced tactical rules and Flanking can not be found in the player’s handbook. It only works the way you suggest with large numbers of melee fighters. Just apply common sense. But I see this as even a potential problem only when two specific conditions apply: The second condition is embarrassingly easy to punish. If my chances of hurting it are moderate, they improve to strong. Or can Dave run over and attack the other orc? Hey @JeremyECrawford If my spiritual Weapon and I are flanking a bad guy, the spirit gets adv because of flanking creature, but I do not? Weapon Properties Reach. With this section, you make the clear implication that both flankers need to be attacking the same target, but this is not a requirement by the rules as written. On the flip side, shouldn’t players be rewarded for working as a team and coordinating their actions and movements—especially if they can do so without discussion, just by anticipating each other’s needs? Granting advantage (or +2 to hit rolls) for simply ganging up on opponents hugely incentivizes all combatants to mob eachother during fights, which encourages all combats to default into large mobs of melee fighters attacking each other for attack bonuses every turn, which gets very boring quickly. The first sentence about flanking already gives a lot of essential info: If you regularly use miniatures, flanking gives combatants a simple way to gain advantage on attack rolls against a common enemy. Enter your e-mail address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by e-mail. ), I decided to put some feelers out to learn why, exactly, some players are vehemently against granting advantage on attacks against a flanked enemy. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I’m thinking we read a couple of the same posts. These characters can act during a surprise round. If you run around that opponent to flank it, the archer now has a clear shot. When you make an attack, your attack roll determines whether the attack hits or misses. I think that if I wanted to start imposing rules like that, I’d go back to playing GURPS. The rules already take that in to account. Special : A weapon with the special property has unusual rules governing its use, explained in the weapon’s description (see “Special Weapons” later in this section). Bonus Sneak Attack: 7 (2d6). Special. You say Wolf totem is better than flanking because it’s easier to set up, and therefore flanking advantage won’t make the wolf totem useless. If you discover that it causes too many problems at your table, stop using it.”. Creatures within a single size category can vary widely in size and shape, but size categories provide a reasonable approximation of the space they occupy in combat. I know my players would agree! A Large or larger creature is flanking as long as at least one square or hex of its space qualifies for flanking. Never even gave the optional tag a second thought. Evolved creatures never let themselves get congo-lined unless both their wisdom (survival instinct) and intelligence (tactical knowledge) are less than 10. This does not give a ranged character advantage to attack and negate their disadvantage for being in melee range of their target. But this house rule would have no cost on action economy, at all. I think this makes a lot of sense though. Abandoning those concepts in favor of mobbing specific opponents is how you get your back line demolished. I never played 4E, so I’m coming at the issue wholly on the basis of how it’s implemented in 5E. Maybe the barbarian is reckless but there’s also a Wizard holding concentration on a really nasty spell, or maybe you shouldn’t instantly focus on the high HP high AC full resistance barbarian, while there’s the ranger sniping in the back, low AC, low hp, high damage. And how useful IS faerie fire at your table? Similar inconsistencies pop up all over the place in almost all the combat rules, not just the flanking rules. The first monster in doesn’t get advantage from either flanking or pack tactics. Flanking is a broken rules option under 5e, with how weak opportunity attacks are and how strong advantage is. Those that didn’t were all almost killed. The rule explicitly states that to get the bonus, attackers must be on opposite sides (or, in the case of square grids, at opposite corners). Let’s be honest, though, and note that this mean bonus only reaches +5 when the unmodified target die roll is 10 or 11—for example, when a character with a +6 bonus to hit is rolling against an armor class of 16 or 17. As a simple example, take the kobold, which has the Pack Tactics feature, giving it advantage on attack rolls when a non-incapacitated ally is within 5 feet of its target. Maybe they shouldn’t have happened, maybe they needn’t have happened, but they did. But after getting some negative feedback to my advocacy of the flanking rule (including one Reddit poster who went so far as to say that as far as he was concerned, it invalidated everything else I say! As a Rune Knight, you harness the power of the Giants to enchant weapons and armor around you. Any time a player griped about it I pointed out that not requiring confirmation on Crits would generally swing the balance of power toward the monsters for two reasons: 1) PCs are expected to win most combats. In 3.5e, you could only start circling an enemy 5′ at a time in most cases. Against a Gargantuan creature, they must have at least 6 hexes between them. That’s certainly the DM’s prerogative, though personally I would choose the option that requires less tracking and statements of intention. While yes, I do get sneak attack regardless, the ability to take those melee attacks at advantage (since cunning action lets me avoid staying out of line) is very nifty. Also, hide doesn’t devalue advantage since it takes a full action for it, meaning that it is only useful for preparing an ambush or clever play that I would encourage (unless you’re a rogue). I don’t think it’s very fair to Dave that Jim can lock him into an action that he might not want to take. Flanking without stealth is just isolating yourself. Not requiring confirmation of critical hits increases the randomness of damage output, a situation that favors the underdog, usually the monsters. It nominates natural different targets, allows people to become trapped and subjected to ppportunity attacks etc. As for a noncombatant, odds are good they’ll never consider flanking to begin with, since they’re a noncombatant. FLANKING ... Only a creature or character that threatens the defender can help an attacker get a flanking bonus. A creature is flat-footed (taking a –2 circumstance penalty to AC) to creatures that are flanking it. I like this houserule and I am not certain but I think it may be best to either play with this rule or to remove flanking entirely, because in RAW flanking does give some encouragement to congolines without nearly as much downside (just piling up on someone who is exposed doesn’t work to punish. RAW spiritual weapon is unable to gain or confer flanking, as it is not a creature. Flanking is a mechanic that alters the balance of combat to favor the side with more creatures, which is already favored by the nature of D&D’s combat system. The right weapon or power can extend one's melee reach as well. The PCs significantly outnumber their enemies (or enemy, in the case of a single monster). If a party member wants to PC as a Revenant, I have have a baddy who can Min/Max the same way. They’ve done this on three separate occasions. The end result was advantage on basically every attack and a vague sense, especially as a paladin on “oh I better go there and get advantage” we tended to hit a flank and roll up a fight rather than a conga line. Most of the opposition leaves me wondering just how boring and bland some DM’s must be making combat encounters. , DM this game I am a strict RAW person. Conga lines have consequences, and the fact that flanking favors the larger force cuts both ways; I see it as a way to make goblin hordes more of a threat to higher level players. For instance, if you’re fighting toe-to-toe with a melee opponent, an archer in the enemy’s back rank is effectively at −2 to hit you, because your opponent’s body is partially blocking the shot. My concern isn’t that it makes it too easy for the PCs, but quite the opposite. A barbarian could have 15 hp. Reach weapons, like the glaive, are a fun melee weapon type for DnD. That is an absolute statement, and also a factually true one. And conversely, you might further decrease the XP award / difficulty estimate for encounters where the PCs outnumber the bad guys. Flanking - The Reaches DnD 5e Campaign. Beyond that, it has the ribbon benefit of making it easier to coax narration, rather than dictation in combat. See the surprisesection for more information. If it works for you, use it. On hexes, count around the enemy from one creature to its ally. Let them have it, but don’t let them have it cheap. If it’s something in between—but closer to negating three-fourths cover—then advantage is about right. However, they can often be misused and sometimes new players have questions about their rules. It’s not team play. Dave provides enough of a distraction to Toby simply by being capable of attacking, so long as Jim is on the other side of Toby to round out that distraction combo. Mind you, when I refer to the barbarian’s opponents, I’m referring specifically to those who are attacking the barbarian, not to everyone on the opposing “team.” It may be someone else’s job to snipe the wizard or bushwhack the ranger; those folks’ attacks don’t count in evaluating whether it makes sense to use Reckless Attack. Half cover imposes an effective −2 penalty on an attacker; three-fourths cover, an effective −5. “In 3.5 critical hits had to be confirmed… but I’ve never even heard of a DM who enforced that.”. -Once to a Construct assassin who they encircled completely so it couldn’t even escape. When making a melee atta… All of these squares are now ones that you threaten and anyone in that range can be targeted. On the heels of The Monsters Know What They’re Doing—a compilation of villainous battle plans for Dungeon Masters—Live to Tell the Tale evens the score, providing beginning and intermediate D&D players the tools they need to fight back. is enough to shift from “front left/right” square to “back” square, get flanking advantage for all your attacks, then shift back, and, potentially, take way less risks than flanking implies. Even if it hasn’t happened at my table, it happened at theirs—which, if nothing else, is a strong argument for keeping this optional rule optional. Turn order is an abstraction as well. (Cover technically gives the target a bonus to armor class, but the effect is the same.) I haven’t tried it yet, but I think if sides were allowed, units would naturally group up in a more realistic way (especially on a hex grid), both for the offensive value but also to guard their allies (phalanx formations). This drawback highlights the real advantage or reach weapons, which is in their defensive use. But there is an important caveat here that actually reverses this. Attacking with a reach weapon while within 5 feet of an enemy does not provoke AoO's. So why is this optional rule, which seems like common sense, hated by so many players? “A creature can’t flank while it’s incapacitated” seems like a silly rule, since you can’t, It’s not enough to attack an enemy from the, Flanking applies to melee attackers only. You gain the following benefits: • When you take the Attack action and attack with only a glaive, halberd, or quarterstaff, you can use a bonus action to make a melee attack with the opposite end of the weapon. The intention of 5E is that you either have advantage on your attack, have disadvantage, or have nothing but your weapon and a smile. When combat begins, all combatants roll initiative. But making a non-turn based combat system that doesn’t create more problems than it solves or isn’t cumbersome and confusing to use is no small feat. 40ft. I think that is the source of the issue with flanking rules though. I feel having two combatants on one is advantage enough and if the character wants the other to actually help grant Advantage, the other combatant should use the Help action. A spell caster or (even worse) a bowman shouldnt be allowed to hop back and shoot someone who is 5 feet away with no penalty. Design Goal. It does to me. Which is fine, I just feel like it’s much easier to position yourself to flank, or requesting another creature to flank without using an action and granting both users advantage where without that you’d need to have a feature or use an action for one creature to have that advantage. We only use minis, no TotM and use flank all the time. I introduced a “minor advantage/disadvantage” rule in my game. Glaives are melee weapons, but they give your fighter some breathing room by having reach. This may actually lead to a lower overall damage output from having sacrificed those extra attacks you might have gotten in. Without advantage: 4 goblin attacks at +4. What Keith gets is that the monsters are the DM’s characters, and his work has been super helpful in adding logic, flavor, and fun in my quest to slaughter my players’ characters and laugh out the window as they cry in their cars afterward.”—Joe Manganiello, “The best movie villains are the ones you fall in love with. If the melee fighting PCs outnumber their enemies, then it is very likely that they will almost always have advantage on their attacks, and if the enemies outnumber melee fighter PCs (which will much more likely be the case most of the time) then their enemies will almost always have advantage. The DMG spells it out quite easily and it jumps up quite a bit when it gets to 6-10 monsters. Speaking for myself, none of these arguments has convinced me that the optional flanking rule is a bad rule to opt into, and I’ll continue to recommend using it. In my estimation, the reason you see my solution as restrictive is because the current rule has no meaningful restrictions. This makes it so that flanking is an actual choice, rather than an effect, as well as placing it within the action economy, potentially competing with other uses of the bonus action. FG-5E-Enhancer. (D&D 5e Basic .pdf, August 2014. p. I’ve been a D&D player since before there were flumphs. I have been looking forward to this post and it was just as in depth and sound as i thought it would be. The point about “devaluing other methods of advantage.” Yes. Glaive 5E Weapon Attributes Damage 1d10 Damage Type Slashing Item Rarity Standard Item Type Melee Weapon Properties Heavy, Reach, Two-Handed Subtype Martial, Glaive Weight 6 DA: 14 PA: 28 MOZ Rank: 96. It cuts both ways. will also try to flank pc’s and get advantage vs them. I don’t think placing miniatures on a map exactly is really necessary, and sometimes I don’t mind placing miniatures on the table to get a general feel of combat. Reach weapons … If that were the case then DMs who let players accomplish stupidity like the peasant railgun would be perfectly reasonable in saying “non-player characters” are a bad rule and should be removed from D&D. In the case of a Huge or Gargantuan creature, this may include trampling—or eating—a flanker. We just roll. TBH, if there’s any hole I’d want to patch in D&D with a new rule, it’s the lack of differentiation among bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage, and how armor resists them. This means you now can target and hit 20-24 squares around you instead of your normal 8. To determine whether your target has cover from your ranged attack, choose a corner of your square. Is Dave locked into fighting Toby because Jim took advantage? We can talk about passive perception vs. active investigation. Only the completely inept overexpose themselves in this way. As for front-line fighters, skirmishers and shock attackers, getting in close, maximizing their damage and (in the case of the latter two) getting back out is what they should be doing, always. The ally doesn’t even have to be attacking the same target!”. Determine which characters are aware of their opponents. It’s normal to get bonuses like this, even by armor and cover (as mentioned). I think one thing that may be happening is that your houserule of if someone is being flanked then anyone else attacking them at melee range is also flanking (which I agree with wholeheartedly) is actually saving you from congo lines. The big effect of this solution is to give some kind of cost to the ability to gain advantage. With this houserule congolining against a larger force gets you destroyed by Raw its a much more viable strategy. The failure of a large number of DMs to play monsters to their strengths is not a failure of the rules… but a failure of the DMs. In sum, we can infer that the flanking rule is meant to reflect the increased difficulty of defending actively against attacks that are coming from two opposing directions, and thus the increased ease of doing damage with those attacks. While I don’t think it’d break the game to play the other way, I thin you’re right that it makes a lot more sense and helps keep the monsters on the same footing as the players, since in the base rules the players can’t resolve their turns simultaneously either. That is technically true. Calculations assuming generic humanoid speeds. On the other hand if you use the raw rules where you only flank if you are opposite someone then looping behind enemy lines against is less punishable because everyone needs a perfectly positioned partner to flank with so unless they outnumber you enormously and completely surround you, many of them are likely not getting advantage. And do some crazy shit with polearm mastery or sentinel. It does require a theory of mind. Reach weapons for medium sized creatures add 5 feet to their range for melee attacks. The right weapon or power can extend one's melee reach as well. DnD 5e - Space and Reach. It would be less clean, but I might even consider +1 on sides, +2 from behind, just because it’s kind of an important thing (like armor), and I like positioning and mobility to matter more (but be less required to think about, so you can focus on what the character would really do). I just think that if DMs believe that flanking is too powerful, a large part of that comes from their failing to show their players why one has to use it judiciously. +1 to hit and you should consider yourself lucky you get that. I never realized when I began writing this blog just how big a hot-button issue flanking is. You’re taking issue with the fact that D&D is turn based… not with flanking. That is an absolute statement, and also a factually true one. “Front left corner and right side” do not flank. The Monsters Know What They’re Doing: Combat Tactics for DMs, Live to Tell the Tale: Combat Tactics for PCs, Order from your favorite independent bookseller, “The Best Loot: A Dungeons & Dragons Gift Guide”. If the line passes through opposite sides or corners of the enemy’s space, the enemy is flanked. I think it’s perfectly fair to make flanking actually have some kind of cost. Combat with a non-reach weapon ranges anywhere from 0 feet to 10 feet(ish). As a player RAW nothing supports reach weapons allowing you to flank while not being adjacent. The AC of a character is determined at character creation, whereas the AC of a monster is in its stat block. Good article but I have to say, I’ve been DMing weekly since 1977 and I’m currently in a group I’ve played with for 5-30 years. Starts to look like a PC blender set to “liquefy.”. -Once to an Orc Chief who they used the Sentinel feat on to keep him in place. And if you turn it the other way around—maybe it’s the barbarian who needs to disrupt a wizard’s concentration, and Reckless Attack gives him or her a better chance of doing so—I mean, this is the definition of “situational,” isn’t it? There are a lot of mobility options in feats and spells which aren’t avaliable to most monsters and with the action economy as it is the only way for most monsters to get unflanked without taking oppertunity attacks is to spend their action on a shove. And real-life flanking alters the balance further, because people cannot simultaneously look in front of them and behind them. Keep combat moving. Flanking 5E: By the Book. Movement and action efficiency becomes even more impoertant, rewarding well played pc’s. Only a creature or character that threatens the defender can help an attacker get a flanking bonus. 47.) It’s modified somewhat by how much damage each attack does—and barbarians usually do a lot—but that won’t usually be enough to make it worth giving a barbie advantage on two attack rolls when his or her opponents thereby gain advantage on three. paizo.com Recent Posts in Flanking with a Reach weapon 2012-07-09T23:19:12Z 2012-07-09T23:19:12Z The basic reach is 1, meaning the attack can only target adjacent creatures. Sure, kobolds could get in the conga line for flanking advantage. You’re far from a simple blacksmith, and our Rune Knight 5E guide will show you! 4E | Roguish. Also, whether something exists in Pathfinder has exactly nothing to do with whether it exists in 5E. However, they can often be misused and sometimes new players have questions about their rules. Against a Medium or smaller creature, the allies flank if there are 2 hexes between them. Playing with flanking means that melee combat can catch up. This is a massive improvement to what you can hit. A creature that’s flanked will try to get unflanked, by the most effective means it has available. Most of the d&d weapons 5e has powerful features, if you want to know about these 5e weapons you need to look at this blog post i really enjoyed while using my favorite weapons while playing this d&d role playing game and i wrote my personal experience in the below lines, check it now. Mod also makes reach weapons work closer to how they should in pnp: Unit with reach weapon is not threatening enemies in range equal to half its maximum range. If a DM feels RAW is broken, it goes both ways. This means that if you're fighting adjacent enemies you may want to drop your lance and pull out a sword or something. I understand wolf totem gives advantage to your teamates, but if you’re using the flanking rule as it is, they also can gain advantage in easy ways. Hey, thanks for this post…excellent evaluation, as usual. The only thing that provokes AoO's is moving out of an opponent's reach. So, did you start 20′ from the enemy? After the surprise round (if any), all combatants are ready to begin the first normal round of combat. The players in my campaign all enjoy this rule. Use the stat blocks of these foul fowl with the Pigeon Tactics on this blog! Subscribe for DnD tips and resources right in your inbox. Thank you for this – I was very much looking forward to this post, and your arguments all seem sound. A creature can’t flank an enemy that it can’t see. This is absolutely incorrect. ): an alternating row of PC, enemy, PC, enemy, PC, enemy, etc., which all the combatants gravitate to in order to gain flanking advantage. He consistently moves into flank positions with his greater movement. The basic reach is 1, meaning the attack can only target adjacent creatures. The fact that they are doing it en-mass doesn’t magically invert stupidity into intelligence. With a penalty, it is possible to deal 0 damage, but never negative damage. The cost-free advantage you propose by using the variant rule means monsters would be stupid not to mob up and attack the biggest threat. It absolutely devalues some other things that are meant to be extremely powerful. If I ever get around to finishing the custom system i’m working on (from scratch) it won’t have turn based combat. The first monster in doesn’t get advantage from either flanking or pack tactics.”. What are these DM’s doing for that to be a legitimate concern. I’ve never understood why flanking is an optional rule. As a Rune Knight, you harness the power of the Giants to enchant weapons and armor around you. Against a Large creature, the allies flank if there are 4 hexes between them. Nothing at all that you don’t get anyway. When you have advantage on an attack roll, or you move at least 20 feet in a straight line before making your attack, and you hit, then you roll an additional die, equal to the weapon’s usual damage die, when determining the attack’s damage. If the PHB and other books say it happens, I just assume it works because that is the description of the attack, advantage, or whatever. That’s easily the least valid critique. I recommend it to all DMs and am getting your book. To start, let’s talk about the situations where flanking is possible and what flanking does. That said, 5E wavers from its own intention in one instance: cover. Now running a 5E campaign for my wife and her coworkers and loving it. I love giving my players cool battlefields to interact with, knocking over piles of barrels to provide cover, climbing trees to attack opponents from above, preparing traps and luring enemies into narrow hallways tor ambushes, even occasionally granting advantage for unique ideas or surprises. Wow, that is really solid advice. The wrench isn’t the cost. Salvatore, Bookshop Amazon Barnes & Noble TargetIndigo Kobo Google Play iBooks. The other thing is that with this house rule removes any incentive to form congolines. Weapon (staff), legendary (requires attunement by a paladin) You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. To make an attack roll, roll a d20 and add the appropriate modifiers. Front and back flanks, note the one in front still gets the bonus. Advantage by having reach increases by 1 for each level you have a natural 20 equals a...., is relevant on three separate occasions so with some caveats: Thanks for this I! 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Has never had a NPC flee from some one personal preference we made it rule. Outnumber the bad guys coworkers and loving it. ) bland some DM ’ s a little useful. +9 * to get extra attacks of opportunity only happen when a player in a regular cycle rounds. To grow to an immense size all at the end of the mathy bits has caused me to and... Enforced that. ” an orc Chief who they used the sentinel feat on to keep their distance: they not. At this point, my players love combat, and 5e flanking with reach weapon attuned it! T situational and it works fine see the logic in it. ) the initiative order something. Rules governing its use fixed modifier doesn ’ t have happened, maybe they ’! Avoid being flanked reach extends your melee weapon reach extends your melee weapon attack bonus instead, and honestly attempting. It would be true no matter the size of the same. ) their attacks are still., or creatures that are meant to work probably talk with your DM about removing flanking.! Flanked will try to make an attack roll determines whether the attack took place under requires a bit when has... Creativity and strategy without adding unnecessary complexity are great DMs and am getting book!

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